Neverwinter shows a new region and a new way of traveling

Mod 22 LIVE on Preview Server! NEW Zone, Gear & Enchants! Neverwinter 2021 We already know, Żeneverwinter (Online) is the most popular and best-earning game C ~~ Cryptic Studios ~~ Gearbox Studio. 20 million players and 400 million dollars of revenue. And you know that already in January Never winter explains about another addition / Dragon bone Vale module and will introduce a completely new region to the game? Let's see how the title Dragon Dice will really look like: It is worth mentioning that a completely new device will appear in Dragon bone Vale — Enchanted Grappling Hooks. Special enchanted hooks, thanks to which we will be able to travel in the mountains and explore even the highest peaks (photo number 1 and photo number 2). Premiere of Appendix on January 11 on a PC. Consoles will have to wait an additional month.
