Spelunky 2 developers approach the release date, new screenshots are published - Creator - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and cultu

The Creator Derek Yu talks about creating more variety with new objects and interactions.

If you have asked a hardcore fan according to the best game of the genres, the name, Cöhlenforscher would inevitably come. The loved one platformer remains relevant thanks to its challenge and procedural generation, so the announcement of _ cave research 2_ was obviously a big deal. However, this announcement took place in October 2017 and the game was postponed to the 2019 publication window. What's up to date?

The Creator Derek Yu offered an update in the PlayStation blog, shared new screenshots and thanked the fans for their feedback to the previous trailer. "I think we have now found a good balance where the graphics are clear and easy to analyze, but the details are still standing out so that they can easily absorb them during the game." Effects like light and fluids are now also Living and contributing to the feeling of a dynamic, living world that has been our goal since the first day. "

Yu revealed that one of his goals in the continuation insisted that every run "feels more like a personal adventure. Of course, the players of the original game have created many of their own stories through their selection during the game, and in my opinion these are still the most meaningful. We want to continue to support this type of creativity by giving the game more variety. "

The players will find new items, some of which can interact with the world in a variety of ways (some interactions may not be so obvious). New NPCs come, but the fans are likely to discover one or two familiar faces. Yu also talked more about audio and noticed that the composer Eirik Suhrke "creates a dynamic, multi-layered sound landscape that is much more insistent than the first game.

Derek Yu Creator of Spelunky 2 In Depth Interview "Each area not only has its own musical topic, but any creature, trap, any object and interface has its own set of sound effects. The landing on grass in the jungle sounds very different than landing on a conveyor belt in Volcana. It may be a more subtle change, but contributes much to the different sense of each area.

The concept of Deathmatch is also expanded to better meet the adventure mode. The diary and the menus are improved, and progress is more likely to "feel a small community of friends and family". Although no publication date was offered, Yu said that the team "closer and closer" come.

Chölenforschung 2 is currently planned for PS4 and PC. Further details can be found in the coming months.
