Age of Empires IV: The Abbaside Dynasty is unveiled in (short) video

One of the playable factions of Age of Empire IV is that of Abbasides. A Arab-Muslim Empire that governs the Muslim world from 750 to 1258 after JC . It is under this dynasty especially that the center of gravity of Islam is little by the Syria to Iraq, including the new capital of the Empire: Baghdad.

a whole new faction

In Aoeiv, This faction includes Chameliers as special units (not to be confused with Turkish and Egyptian mamluks, which arrived later). On the building side, the Abbasides has the house of Wisdom which brings a golden age mechanism that comes to boost the production of other buildings.

In the Muslim world, a house of wisdom was an institution mixing sciences (mathematics, astronomy, etc.), art (poetry), philosophy and even health. Hence his logical use in the game to boost development.

Age of Empire IV is still scheduled for October 28 on PC .
